Rezeption täglich 8.00 Uhr - 20.00 Uhr telefonisch erreichbar +49 (0)38231 45580
Check-In für reservierte Zimmer 15.00 - 20.00 Uhr
Abweichende Zeiten bitte vorher mit uns abstimmen.
Pommernhotel Barth
Job offers
Kitchen help / assistant cook
There are currently no vacancies.
Restaurant / receptionist /-in /-div
from April 2022= 1 vacancy for 30 - 40 hours
room cleaning
from April 2022 = 1 vacancy for 20 - 30 hours or on a 450.00 Euro basis
Please apply in writing or by email ( A seasoned and reliable team awaits you.
We attach particular importance to employees who are looking for a long-term professional basis.
In order to offer all employees time for leisure and family, we try to avoid overtime by employing an appropriate number of staff and also grant holidays during the season.
Every year from Christmas to the New Year we take between 14 - 20 days of company holidays.